SQLRally 2011 Update

Can it really be less than 30 days to the first SQLRally? As I look back it seems like a very long journey and now that we’re close, the remaining time seems to be going by very quickly. I met with Jack Corbett on Friday to review the volunteer list and discuss plans for the […]

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The Mentoring Experiment

Today Steve Jones & I are launching a new project called The Mentoring Experiment, an attempt to see if we can promote and accelerate mentoring. We’re starting with a focus on SQL Server professionals because we have a strong network and we know the business, but we definitely have interest in seeing if it could […]

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Thinking on Culture

Over the past few years I’ve grown to believe that few things have a greater impact on the success of a business than it’s culture. I’ve seen good cultures and bad, cultures that were hyper-reactive and some that were deliberate, some that were people friendly and some that were not, and all kinds of variations […]

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