Only as Good as Your Auditor

I wrote Only as Good as Your Auditor for SQLServerCentral because its something I’ve explained to people over and over again. For most of us in IT audits are something we tolerate and try to get done as quickly as we can, a test to pass, and because of that we don’t get to see […]

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I Need a Thumb

No, I still have both of mine.  Yesterday I stopped at lunch for Wendy’s. One person in line in front of us. Guy places his order, hands over the credit card, and the cashier is just about to hand the card back when he decides he wants two more of something. Rather than just doing […]

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Notes on Setting Up & Troubleshooting Reporting Services Using Kerberos

Not comprehensive, but perhaps useful next time: Verify that the SPN’s are correct for the server that has the Reporting Services database. Many ways to do this, but I like the Kerberos Configuration Manager. The SPN tab should show “Good” for the instance that hosts the database. If not, fix (typically requires domain admin). Don’t […]

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Adding SSL to

I’ve had this task on the list for a while. I wanted to do a refresh on the basics of SSL and certs, plus I’m in favor of using SSL everywhere, even personal blogs.  I ended up using The complete guide to loading a free SSL certificate into an Azure website by Troy Hunt as […]

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